Updating Frequent flyer and assigning seats.

In this section, we will see how to update frequent flyer number and how to assign seats.

Frequent flyer program:- A frequent flyer program is a membership program operated by an airline for all travelers. All Major airlines operate a frequent flyer program for its travelers. There is no membership cost for a frequent flyer program and anyone can become a member. The frequent flyer programs work on a points-based system where travelers are awarded points for traveling on a particular airline. A point is rewarded for every dollar spent or every mile flown depending upon the airline’s mileage system of calculating frequent flyer points. Business class reservations, premium economy class reservations, and first class reservations fetch more points as compared to economy class reservations. More the traveler uses a certain airline more frequent flyer miles get accumulated in his frequent flyer account. This points can be redeemed by the traveler for free tickets, upgrades, etc.All frequent flyer programs operate on a tier system the number of points accumulated decides the status of the frequent flyer. For eg:- A traveler who has just entered the membership program will have a blue card which will get upgraded to a silver card once he accumulates a certain number of miles (say 100,000 miles) and likewise, the status will keep on changing as miles one get accumulated.

Below is the command to update frequent flyer number.


YY is two letter airline code followed by the frequent flyer number.

If you observed in above example an additional Mileage Membership tab appears once the frequent flyer number is updated in the reservation.

Below is a chart displaying various commands to enter and remove frequent flyer number and how to update frequent flyer in the case when two airlines are involved.

Seat Assignments is the process of assigning a sat for the reservation.Seat assignment can be done once a ticket is confirmed or a seat can be assigned while checking in.Nowadays pre-assigning a seat before your scheduled departure will cost you and costs may vary on seat preference.Exit row seats and seats in the front will cost more compared to the normal aisle or window seats.However, there are certain airlines which allow you to pre-assign seats free of cost.

Below is how you can view a seat map and assign seats.

Galileo offers a graphic view of seat map to assign seats.

To go to the graphics screen click on the first highlighted option.

In the next screen, you will see the flight itineraries for the confirmed reservation.To assign a seat you can simply right-click on the itinerary which will open an option to view seat map.Once the seat map is open you can simply click on the desired seat and save the reservation which will confirm the requested seat.Once the seat is assigned you will see an additional tab on pnr as below highlighted you can simply enter command *SD  to view seat data.


Below is a chart of cryptic commands to cancel or change a seat reservation.

Now that you know how to assign seats and request for special service requests we come to an end of this module.Do share your feedback and let us know if this module has been useful in expanding your understanding on GDS.

Fare Display and Focal Point Shopping.

Fare display is the command to view a list of fares between two cities. Fare display shows fares irrespective of availability and all quoted fares are displayed without taxes.

Below is the basic command to view Fare Display.


Fare display between Singapore and Tokyo.

Galileo Command to Display Fares

In the above example, you can see all fares between Singapore and Tokyo are displayed in ascending order for all various airlines operating on this route.

The fare display can be explained as below.

CX – Stands for Carrier or Airline

Fare SGD:- Fare and Currency code is displayed in which the fare is quoted.(If you observe R next to the Fare stands for return fare if there is no R displayed then it will be considered as One-way fare)

Fare Basis:- Fare basis code for the Fare

C:- Class of booking or Booking designator code.

AP:- Advance purchase requirement if any.

MIN/ MAX:- Minimum and Maximum stay requirement.

Seasons:- Seasonality condition for fare if any.

MR:- Whether the fare is mileage based or routing based.

GI:- Global indicator for the fare.

Now that we know how to check and read fare display, We will now see how to modify a fare display as per requirement and how to check for fare rules, routing rules using a  fare display.

In Below example, we will see how to check for a fare display for a particular airline and further we will add a modifier to check return fares only.


Now if you observe above image you will see all fares above are on EK (Emirates ) and all fare are return fares since a letter “R” is next to all the fares which is the indicator for return fares.

Apart from checking for fares a fare display also serves other purposes like checking for fare rules, fare routings, etc.

Below is the command to check for fare rule while using fare display for fare on line number 1.


Fare Notes for line no 1 of Fare display.

If you see above image all fare rules for the fare basis on line number 1 are displayed. However, if you need to check for a particular fare rule you need to specify the corresponding fare rule number. Suppose if you want to check for penalties which is fare rule no 16. You can enter below follow up command.


Fare Note no 1 and Fare rule no 16

Suppose if you need to check for a routing for a fare you can do by entering below command, the routing command is useful when checking fare for a long route where multiple airlines are involved.In below example, we are checking for a Fare from Frankfurt Germany to Bakersfield USA on Lufthansa. This airline does not have a direct flight to Bakersfield but does offer a fare with its codeshare partner however you need to know through which city the fare is applicable and with which codeshare partner airline.


Fare Routing for line number 1

If you observe above image you will see different routing options with various airlines which can be combined with Lufthansa flights going via Chicago, Washington, Cleveland, New York and Newark and further connecting flights on United to final destination Bakersfield.

Now that you know how to check for routings we can also check for the required class of booking or RBD for the codeshare connecting flight.

Below is the command for same.



Further now we will learn how to use focal point shopping.Focal point shopping is the latest enhancement made to Galileo which allows you to search for the lowest fare on any airline for a particular route.Unlike Best buy command which is limited to booked itinerary only the focal point shopping command searches for the least fare on all possible airlines and provides different routes between two cities.

Below is the basic command to check for fares using focal point shopping.


Focal point shopping command provides various fare option for the specified route.

In the above example the on entering the command the system displays all possible options between Paris and London in ascending order as per price. To View more options you can scroll up and down using MD command and MU commands.

To book or sell a seat simply tab to FSK(Focal point shopping sell) command next to the desired option and hit the enter key.

Once you tab to the FSK command and hit enter a seat is sold as below you can use the redisplay command to check the sold itinerary.

Now suppose you have already made a reservation and want to check if there are any alternate cheaper options for the booked itinerary. You can simply enter below FS command and you will see alternate options and can rebook if required.


If you observe above example we have made a reservation from Paris to Reno with Delta and Alaskan airline and used the FS command to check for the lowest fare on the sold itinerary. You can see the first option says unable to fare quote best buy which means there is no through fare between Paris and Reno on Delta and Alaskan airline. Hence the system responds as unable to quote fare and offers an alternate option. The second option is with United Airlines. If you want to check for more options with better connections you can simply enter MD command to scroll down.

Below is a chart explaining various Focal point shopping modifier commands which will help you to narrow down on search criteria.

With this, we come to and end of  this module and hope you have found this module useful.Do leave a comment or feedback and let us know in case if you have any queries or suggestions.

Galileo Module 2.2 Availability and selling flights.

Availability: – Availability is the command to display the desired flight or any flights for a particular route. By entering below entry for a city pair you would get live availability. We will start with Basic availability entry as below.


In above example, “A” is modifier or command to display availability followed by date 22nd October and city pair which you are looking for which is Dubai to London. This command will display flights as below.

In Above example, if you observe on the top left it says neutral display since we have not specified for a particular airline. The system has chronologically displayed all flights for Dubai to London on 22nd of October. The most direct connections will be displayed first.

Availability Command can be Explained as below.

In above example SU stands for Sunday 22nd of October, Followed by the sector for which the availability is looked up for ,i.e. :-  Dubai to London.

The Command displays Availability for various airlines numerically and chronologically as per times. The first flight on line number 1 for DXB to LHR leaves at 0130 am (Dubai local time) and reaches London Heathrow airport at 0615 am (London local time).The flight number for the flight is BA 106 which is a flight operated by British Airways.

Following which in the Blue box is the class and availability.F2 A2 J9 C9, etc are the class of bookings along with the number of seats available in the particular class. For eg :- F2 is a first class cabin which has 2 seats currently available likewise J has 9 seats and so on.

The # sign at the very end indicates there are more class of bookings that are available for that particular flight. This can be displayed by a follow-up entry A@#1. This will display all the class of bookings on line no 1.

At the very last there is equipment code or aircraft type in this case its a 744 which is a boeing aircraft, In case you don’t know the same you can always decode the same by command .ED

C*E stands for airline is linked directly linked to GDS and the ticket has E-ticket Functionality.

Continue reading “Galileo Module 2.2 Availability and selling flights.”

Galileo Module 2.1 Timetables and availability

Time Table: –  Now we will learn how to check timetables for a particular day, airline or routing.

The Command to Check timetable is as below.


In above command,

TT – Is indicator for Displaying Time Table.

BOM – Is Three letter IATA code for Mumbai.

DEL – Is Three letter IATA code Delhi.

In above command, since the date is not specified the system assumes you need timetable starting today. On entering above command all flights between the city pair will be displayed as below.

We have explained above timetable display as below.

09JUL17-05AUG17– Is the by default range that has been picked up by the system since we have not specified any.

MTWTFSS– Are the days of the week, i.e.:- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. A number below this specify the flight operates on the particular days only. For eg:- The first flight operates on all days whereas there are flights which operate on particular days only.

Mumbai / Delhi:-  City Pair chosen for displaying timetable. Timings displayed are local times of particular city and are as per 24hour clock.(for eg :- 1800 hrs)

Next to time is the Airline Code and flight number, the First line shows 6E 154  which stands for Indigo flight no 154.

At the very end is the equipment code or aircraft type. You can decode the same by doing command.ED 73H.

*C at the very end states the airline has linkage with Galileo GDS and is synched with airline system.

So now you understand how to look up timetable you can also specify as per airline and date as per below.

If you see in above command we have specified date as 08th of August and airline as SQ (which stands for Singapore airlines) hence all flights

This command shows you that Singapore airlines operate three flights between Singapore and Mumbai between 08th of August through 4th of September. SQ 426 operates only on Friday, Saturday and Sunday leaving at 525 am in the morning whereas other two flights are daily flight leaving 740am and 7pm respectively.

Below is a list of modifiers which can be utilized for displaying timetable.

Now that you know how to encode, decode and check for timetables we will learn further on how to check flight availability and how to sell flights.

Emulating and using Work Areas


Emulating is a command that you need to make to enter your agency Pseudo city or work area.Galileo designates a particular pseudo city code for every agency a big travel agency may have many locations and hence may have multiple Pseudo city codes for every location.Emulating into a PCC (pseudo city code) helps the Airlines, IATA, BSP  to identify reservations of a particular agency. Having multiple PCC’s is also beneficial for travel agencies with several locations.

In order to start working one has to emulate into the designated PCC.Below steps explain how to emulate into your PCC.

Step 1 :-


Explanation:- Sign on emulating (SEM) into pseudo city code 3T6A agent (AG) mode.

Please see image below.

Once you enter above command you will now be able to use the system to check availability, make a new reservation, etc. However in case you have multiple pseudo city codes and want to emulate in both the pseudo city codes at the same time then you have to use work areas. Work areas may not be useful for agents with singular PCC but it can be useful for agents running big operations who have various PCC codes segregated as per locations

The command to check work areas is as below.


Once you perform above command you will notice you have 5 work areas in the above image which are work areas A, B, C, D, and E.Out of which against work area A you will notice AG/3QF6 and indicator active. This means work area A is in use which is your current work area and all other work areas indicate AVAIL or available, which means all other work areas are available and can be utilized.

Presuming you are working in a Multinational travel agency or a TMC like Carlson Wagonlit or American express which has various offices locally and internationally and wants to check a cheaper fare option or availability from a different location but do not want to ignore the current work which you are doing. At such time you can use multiple work areas instead of ignoring the existing reservation and re-working.

The command to change the work area is S and the work area which you want to change to. In the above scenario, the consultant wants to emulate to work area B hence SB or switch to work area B.

However, if you notice carefully in the above image you will see that the response from the system is A out ad B in but not authorized. This means that although you have switched area the work area has not been emulated hence you will have to emulate again by entering the required PCC code. In the above case, the agency has multiple PCC’s and the consultant wanted to emulate from 3QF6 to 3T3T. Now the consultant will be able to work in both the PCC’s and can switch back and forth between them as and when required.

Now if you again check work areas you will notice now areas A and B both are emulated and B is active and A is emulated but not active while work areas C, D, and E are still available. In this way, you can emulate and work in multiple work areas without affecting the current work.

With this we come to an end to this chapter do take a small quiz and let us know if you have any queries, views or suggestions.

Smart Point 1.1-Getting Started


Galileo Smartpoint is the newest and most enhanced version of Galileo GDS which has been launched by Travelport making learning Galileo simpler and user-friendly by focusing on graphical methods instead of the traditional cryptic (commands) method. By going through below videos you would be easily able to understand how to use smart point. 

  • How to set your preference and customize smart point.

In below video, you will learn about how to apply your preferences and how to customize smart point as per your requirement. This video is recommended for students who have knowledge of Galileo GDS or any GDS. Most of the topics covered in this video may not be used when working on a travel itinerary or a reservation but will help in using smart point more efficiently and effectively.

Below are major points which are covered in this video.


Application Settings, Window Management, Connection settings, Cryptic Language, configuring quick commands, Programmable keys editor, replay options, automatic update options.


Language, Theme and color schemes, Font type and size, Connection to different GDS or client ID.


Smart Point 1.5-Advanced-Fare Shopper and Profile

  • Fare Shopper (FS) :- FS or Fare shopper is the newest and most advanced way of looking up and booking for airfares. Using this one single command the agent can look up for best airfares available. In todays, competitive market time and money is of utmost importance and using this command not on saves time but provides one with the most cost-effective option. Fare shopper is optional in certain markets and is a paid tool however one can safely say that it has completely revolutionized the search for looking up an airfare.

Below video covers following points on Fare shopper.

How to use fare shopping command, How to use FS for an existing itinerary and how to book  new itinerary using fare shopping, How to filter  results as per your requirements for e.g.: – Searching for business only or flights on specific airlines or times, FS using calendar option, FS using search option,




  • Profiles

The below video describes how to make use of traveler profiles. Traveler profiles are created mostly for corporate travelers who travel frequently wherein a file is maintained for travelers containing vital information like their passport details, contact numbers, residential address, frequent flyer information, meal preferences, etc. This information enables the agent to quickly make a reservation as the agent can simply pull up the traveler profile and attached it to an existing itinerary. (please note a profile needs to be created first in order to attach it to a reservation)

Below video explains how to pull up traveler profile into a reservation.


Smart Point 1.4-How To Check Fares

  • Fares

In  this Video  you shall learn on fares. Obtaining or knowing the fare for an itinerary is one of the most important factors. The fare or cost of a itinerary is the most detrimental factor for converting prospective sales to actual sale.Hence how to get the best fare for an itinerary is of utmost importance.

Below are all the major points which are covered in this video.

How to check a fare display using smart point, How to check and read fare rules pertaining to a fare, How to understand and read different elements in a Fare display and how to display different types of fares for eg:- Seamen fares,  Private fare for corporates, child fares, etc.

Smart Point 1.3-Creating a Booking File (PNR)

  • PNR Creation

The below video explains in detail how to create and edit a PNR on Galileo smart point.Galileo smart point offers a clickable and graphical interface to create PNR making it easier for the end user to create a reservation without memorizing any commands.Following are the topics which are covered in this video.

How to create pnr on Smart point, PRINT-Basic requirements of PNR creation, Creating a reservation or PNR using PNR tab and  Editing an existing reservation on smart point.


Smart point 1.2- How to check for Availability and Sell Seats

  •  How to check for Availability: – In below video, you will learn how to search availability on smart point. Smart point offers various ways for looking for a flight availability. You will learn how to read availability and how to use smart points graphical interface to quickly access the required information.Following are the topics which are covered in this video.

Standard Galileo Entries (cryptic entries), Calendar search, Air availability search option from toolbar, # Quick commands 

  • How to sell Seats (confirming itinerary):- The below video explains in detail how to sell or confirm a seat on smart point.Following are the topics which will be covered in this video.

Selling seats from an availability, assigning seats, Checking for FLIFO (flight information)