Identify and plot countries in the Middle East. Challenge your friends and family. A useful exercise for all students of travel studies.
travel study for all
Identify and plot countries in the Middle East. Challenge your friends and family. A useful exercise for all students of travel studies.
Test your basic understanding of geography. Challenge your friends and family.
It appears that this quiz is not set up correctlyIdentify and correctly mark countries of South America. Challenge your friends and family. A useful exercise for all students of travel studies.
Hint – Easier way to learn a map is by creating code names for countries. For example, ABCUP stands for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, and Paraguay.
Identify and plot countries in Europe. Challenge your friends and family. A useful exercise for all students of travel studies.
If you are a IATA foundation student or a travel agent who wants a refresher on your european geography then we are certain this quiz will help you.
It appears that this quiz is not set up correctly
Identify and plot countries in continent of Africa. Challenge your friends and family. Useful exercise for all students of travel studies.
Hint – Easier way to learn a map is by creating code names for countries. For example, east Africa can be remembered by the word TBRUKESDE (Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Eritrea, Somalia, Djibouti, and Ethiopia.)
Identify all countries in Asia on Asia political map. This exercise will improve your travel acumen and great help for students of travel studies.
This is one question that everyone wants an answer for, How do I save on my ticket costs? To find an answer to this question we have dug deep and found out that there is no single or definite way to save on your flight costs. In reality, saving happens when we take certain measures to get cheap tickets. Below are some points that we have listed out that may help you to save on your flight tickets.
Steps to save on flight costs.
Some of the major low-cost carriers.
Southwest Airlines- Within the United States
Jet Blue-Within United States
Westjet-Within US and Canada
Easy jet-Within Europe
Flydubai-Middle East
Air Arabia-Middle East
Ryan Air-UK and Europe
Air Asia-South Asia and South East Asia
Indigo-India and Southeast asia.
Tiger Air-South East Asia
Azul Brazilian Airlines-Brazil
We hope you will like this article and try and implement above measures and save a considerable amount on your flights. We are always looking forward to hearing from you,in case if you have any suggestions you may write to us at, Until then goodbye and happy travels.
Travel has become an integral part of our lives and we travel for varying reasons from work related to leisure travel. They say travel can be an experience in itself since the amount of things you learn and see by travelling to places and knowing people can never be experienced by simply learning something in theory. We all travel to airports and you may have noticed at airports and while booking for flights most of the cities, airlines and airports are denoted by codes. Ever wondered what these codes are? We will try and explain what these codes exactly are and how they work.
The codes that you see are codes which are designated by ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) to various cities, airport, and airlines to facilitate ease of operations. The frequently used coding system can be divided into two parts airport/city codes and airline codes.
City/Airport Codes :- The Coding system can into existence in the 1930’s in the United States, prior to 1930 travel industry employees used two-letter National weather system codes to denote cities, however, this in following years became very difficult to manage and there was a need for a more reliable system hence the 3 letter coding system came into existence. For a normal person, the coding system may seem like a useless hassle, however, the coding system has solved a number of problems for the airline industry and travellers alike. The coding system has become even more relevant in today’s modern world as the airline industry today is completely globalized and we can travel from one corner of the earth to another in a matter of hours. Also, the numbers of cities that are connected by air travel have truly skyrocketed. Imagine if there was no coding system and you had to travel from Houston to Birmingham. Some people may not know this there are two Birmingham’s and both have an airport. The only issue is one is in Alabama, the US and the other is across the Atlantic in the UK. Although we may assume that the traveller may mention the country while booking, however, there is a high chance that something may go wrong like the baggage ending up at the wrong place or the worst scenario would be travelling to an unintentional country. Birmingham was a simple example, imagine if you were travelling to San Jose, there are at least 9 cities with the same name and there is a high possibility that you may book yourself to Bolivia instead of California that would be certainly a different experience. Here is where the coding system becomes significant the code for Birmingham Alabama is BHM whereas for Birmingham UK is BHX so now we can easily decipher where we want to travel and it is easily understood for baggage sorting department to tag your baggage to the correct destination.
Now some of you may be wondering how do they derive at these codes, Well most of the derivation is quite simple like for example the airport code for Atlanta is ATL the first three letters of the city that’s easy right but then why is Minneapolis MSP and not MIN well because there are two reasons, number one MSP stands for Minneapolis and St Paul together and the other being there is a city airport in Australia by that code. Likewise, there are cities with multiple airports like Houston which has two airports Hobby which was built earlier is HOU resembling the first three letters and IAH which stands for Bush Intercontinental airport which was built later. Similarly, there are airport codes which are completely different from their current name as some cities were renamed after the airport codes were implemented and since they could not change the airport code as per the new name the original airport code stayed. One of the prime examples of such a city in St.Petersburg in Russia its airport code is LED which is nowhere close to St.Ptersburg and neither L or D is present in the word Petersburg however since the city earlier was known as Leningrad after Lenin (not john) the city airport code is LED and not PET or something similar.
Likewise below are a few more cities with unusual names.
(extract taken from wikipedia)
I hope this has been helpful to you and has simplified your doubts on airport codes. If you want to know more city codes we recommend you go to the source itself
Shortly we will be back with another article soon until then goodbye and please keep on commenting and coming back for more information on travel, we will keep on deciphering more interesting things for you as always. If you find time do like us on Facebook if you have information or pictures or want to share something on travel you may write to us at and we will post it on your website if it works.
In this section, we will see how to make changes to an existing reservation. Making changes to an existing reservation requires a certain level of expertise as one has to take into consideration all the fare rules before making any changes to a reservation. Besides the penalty applicable there are other fare clauses such as minimum and maximum stay, advance purchase, blackout dates, etc this basic fare rules must be taken into consideration before reissuing a ticket. In case an agent by mistake does not apply a certain fare rule he may end up getting a debit meme or ADM from the airline. Hence it is vital that one needs to pay attention to detail while reissuing a ticket.
Below are steps that you need to take for reissuing a ticket.
Reissues are mainly of two types when a ticket is fully unutilized and when a ticket is partly utilized. Partly used ticket re-issuance requires a fair bit of experience as there are a number of factors that need to be taken into consideration. We will start with the most basic and simplest form of a reissue known as an even exchange of fully unused ticket.
Scenario 1) Fully unused ticket.
This is a reissue scenario where the ticket is fully unutilized by the traveler and traveler decides to change his plan before the scheduled date of departure.
In below image, you will see Mr.Smith is scheduled to travel from Mumbai to Dubai on 15th of October and return a month later on 15th of November. However, due to some personal reasons, he has decided to change his reservation.
Step 1 -Check penalties.
The very first step you need to do before reissuing a ticket is to check for fare rules applicable to changing the ticket. If you notice the ticket was issued on 11th of may 2017 hence we will have to check fare rules as per that date. The command to check fare rules from a pnr for a past date is as below.
Fare Quote display as per ticketing date 11th may 17.
Below is the fare that will be displayed as per the date of issuance.Now you can check for fare rules as per the date of issuance.Below is the command to check for fare rules.
Fare quote notes.
Upon entering the FQN command you will see two fare components and fare basis of the itinerary booked.
To check for fare rules for a particular component you will need to enter below command.
In this case since we are changing the inbound sector we will enter below command.
Fare notes 2 and rule no 16 (for penalties)
Once you enter this command you will notice fare rule for applicable penalties are displayed.In this case it says changes are permitted.Hence no penalties would be applicable for changes.
Step 2-Make changes to itinerary
Now that you know what are the penalties you will proceed further to make changes to your existing reservation.To make changes you will need to first sell a new seat or hold a new seat for the requested date.In this case since the traveler wants to travel on 10th of December instead of 15th of November we shall check availability for the 10th of December.
Once you check for availability you can now sell a seat on requested flight.In above example traveler would like to travel on the 930 am flight hence we book the 930 am flight and cancel off the flight on 15th of November.
Command for cancelling the unwanted flight is as below.
Cancel line number 2 .
Once you cancel the unwanted segment you will see now there are only two segments instead of 3.
Step 3 -Saving/Modifying Fare for reissue.
Now that you have checked for penalties and cancelled unwanted itinerary further we will save a fare and modify it to reissue the ticket.
Since this is a fully un-utilized ticket we will save a fare as per the current date hence to price we will do the normal fare quote command FQ and save the fare quote.
Once you save the fare quote you will have to remove the taxes since most of the taxes are already paid in the previous ticket that we purchased.If there are any additional taxes you applied you will need to add them. Since we are modifying the fare by removing taxes now we will enter below command.
Display Fare build for fare filed no 1
Once you enter *FB1 command you will see a mask similar to the contents of a ticket opens up. We can make changes to this mask as per requirement. Since this is a reissue we will first start off with removing taxes that are already paid and later will add the penalty applicable.
The command to Remove the taxes is as below.
Fare build updated tax1 as blank which will remove the taxes.
You can also string these entries together with plus sign in case of multiple taxes.In below example since there are 8 taxes involved you can run the same entry 8 times or you can choose to string FBUTAX1/+TAX2/+TAX3/ ….
Once you enter this command you will notice all the taxes would be removed and only the base fare will be displayed. To check the fare build again you can enter command *FB (display fare build)
If you notice carefully you will see a verify total appears next to TTL figure and all taxes are blank. This is because the total still displays the fare including taxes which you have removed.To tally the fare hence you do a command FBUTTL/,however before you do that you can enter a penalty that needs to be collected in case there is no penalty you can simply do FBUTTL/.
In below example there is a penalty applicable.Hence we will first add the penalty and later on enter the command to tally the total.
Fare build update to tax1 amount 150 as per ticket issuance country and tax code is OD for penalties.(penalty tax code varies from airline to airline and you can check for the penalty code with respective airline).
Once you enter the penalty command you will notice the system replies with a confirmation that data has been accepted.But if you go back to the fare build mask you will notice the verify total exists hence we will need to tally the total figure by entering below command.
Once you enter the FBUTTL/ command the system automatically tally’s the fare and taxes and now the verify total won’t be highlighted next to the total.
Now that you have entered the penalty and tallied the fare now we need to file it. Command to file a modified fare is as below.
Fare build filed
In case there are multiple passengers you can enter FBFALL, this command copies same build fare for all the passengers if priced in one fare file.
Fare build for all. (make it a practice to enter FBFALL//not applicable in case there is a child or an infant in the reservation.)
Now that you have checked for rules, changed itinerary and modified fare the final step is to reissue the ticket.
Step 4-Exchanging Ticket.
The fourth and final step in the process of amendment is exchanging the ticket. This is the final step in which the fare and taxes from earlier ticket along with applicable penalty will be applied to purchase a new ticket hence the form of payment will be as an exchange.
Below is the command to exchange a ticket.
Ticket modifiers update for filed fare 1 form of payment as exchange and ticket number.
On entering the above command a mask will open up as below in image 1, this mask is the first step in exchanging the ticket. If you observe the mask it is similar to a ticket. Details of previous ticketed fare filed and current reissued fare filed is compared in this mask. In this example, you will notice New fare is displayed on this very first line and the fare of new fare filed is displayed next to the total value. In this case, the new fare and old fare is the same, next you need to enter the form of payment that was used for the previous ticket in below example we have entered “s” which stands for cash. It can be a credit card or invoice or anything else. After you have entered all the details you can press enter to go to next screen. To go to next screen there is a small dot that we have pointed out next to the arrow. Get the cursor to the tab and hit enter.(please note this is all cryptic hence you can use the mouse and keep the insert key off at all times). Once you hit enter the system will take you to the next screen for taxes.
Exchange image 1 and 2In this screen you will see all the taxes that were paid for the earlier ticket, there is nothing much to do on this mask screen. (Unless its a second reissued where some taxes may be merged as XT. In case XT appears as one of the tax you will need to provide bifurcation of the tax as per original ticket issued) In this example, this is the first reissue of the ticket hence all the taxes are auto picked up by the system itself. You can verify all the taxes on the previous ticket and click on the dot at the end of the mask to move to the next screen.
Below the screen is the final step in the process of reissue. In this screen, you will notice at the top the total amount that you will need to pay to the airline for amending the ticket. (this excludes your mark up if any), In this particular example, we have collected a penalty of AED 150 for reissuing the ticket and form of payment as an invoice. On this page, you will see three blank lines tab to the first line and enter your desired form of payment. In case its cash type cash or invoice type invoice or for card type credit card number in credit card format.
Once you enter the desired form of payment and press enter you will see above message as ticket modifiers updated. Now save all the entries and modification you have done to the reissue mask.
Once you have saved all your modifications just cross verify once and enter the final command. (same command for issuing the ticket )
Once you enter the above command you will notice a new document is generated.
If you observe the second image you will notice the first ticket was issued for the total cost of 4655 and the reissued ticket at 150. The reissue is complete and you can email the ticket to the traveller.
Below are a few more commands and steps for reissue which will help you to reissue a ticket better.
We will soon be updating our modules with various other methods and scenarios of reissuing the ticket. If you have any queries or suggestions do let us know.We Hope all this information will prove useful in your pursuit oa f successful career in the travel industry. Till then goodbye and happy learning.
Replicating PNR is a functionality which allows the user to copy details of a reservation. This functionality is useful when making reservations for the same traveller on a different date of travel. This command saves a considerable amount of time hence is one of the most useful commands.
Below are various commands which you can use to replicate a reservation.
Command to copy all the details.
To copy a reservation first enter the received from command followed by the REALLY ALL command to copy all details.
If you observe the second screen all the details including name contact field and itinerary are copied however a pnr number is not generated and reservation is not saved. Hence one needs to update ticketing time limit which is absent and end the reservation.
Once you add ticketing time limit and end the reservation you will see a PNR is generated.
Now in a scenario when you only need to copy the itinerary details you can enter RESALL command instead of using the above REALLSALL command.
The RESALL command will only copy the itinerary of the reservation.
In above example, you will see only the itinerary (flight information) is copied.
Similarly, in case you need to copy the all the details except for flight information, we can enter a command as below and then sell a new itinerary as per requirement.
If you see above example you will notice on entering the REALL command, Only Name field, Received from and phone field has been copied.
This covers this module and we hope you have found this module useful.