In this article we will explain you about different type of joruneys used in fare construction, after reading this article you wil be able understand different types of journeys and would be able to diffentiate and identify all types of journeys accurately while doin a international fare calculation.
One Way Trip– This type of journey is the most commonly used journey in a fare construction and is easy to understand. As the name suggest One way, this means any journey or trip which is uni directional without returning to the point of origin is termed as one way trip. For example if a journey Starts from London to Caracas, Venezuela with multiple stops in between it will be still be considred as a one way journey.
This journey consists of one fare component from London to Caracas.
Round Trip – A Journey is considred as a Round trip journey when travel begins from one point and ends at the same point without use of any other form of transporation like surface (land or other wise) and in one similar direction then such type of journey is considered as a round trip. Unlike one way trip a round trip has two fare components outbound fare component and inbound fare componed and together it forms a round trip.
To explain this better below example can help you. In below example the journey starts in Dubai to Manchester and ends Manchester to Dubai via london both ways using an exact similar route.
DXB M—–Origin
XLON 600 (EK)
DXB 600 (EK)—–Origin
Example of Round trip -Dubai to Manchester and back to Dubai
In above example you will notice that journey orignates in Dubai and ends in dubai and takes a similar route both ways of via london hence this type of journey is termed as a Round trip journey.
**Please note a Round trip cannot be circle trip since it has this fixed criteria of similar direction and routing**
Circle Trip – A Circle Trip is similar to a round trip with one major diffrentiating factor, since many students do not consider this factor there is a bit of confusion amongst students. A journey is considred as a circle trip when it starts from one point and ends at the same point however unlike round trip the circle trip need not fullfil the criteria of uni directional in both ways . Below example will help you to understand this. In this example the journey starts from Dubai to Manchester via london however while returning it has a change and a stop in Glasgow while returning back to Dubai. This slight change in the journey makes this type of journey a circle trip.
DXB M—–Origin
X/LON 600 (EK)
MAN 100 (LM)
GLA—–Additonal point
DXB 600 (EK)—-Destination
Example of Circle Trip-Dubait to Manchester and return via Glasgow
A circle trip occurs when a journey is from one point to another point in any particular direction except for surface travel or any other form of travel and returning back to to the point of origin.
Open Jaw Journeys – Open Jaw journeys are different from all above form of journeys. Unlike all above journeys which restrict surface travel, an open jaw journey is formed only when there is surface travel involved. This type of journey also has 2 or more fare components with one major exception that a surface sector has to be involved.
DXB M——–Origin
LON 600——–Destination
——Surface—— (travel from london to glasgow by train or other means)
DXB 700——-Returning to Origin
Example of Open Jaw Trip-Dubai to London and surface travel to Glasgow with return to dubai from Glasgow
In this above example you will notice the journey starts in UAE (Dubai) and end in UAE (Dubai) but with one major exception that is the traveler travels by other means of transport from London to Glasgow however instead of making this as two one way trips to lower the fare cost for this journey a open jaw journey is created enabling the travel to benefit from the return fare however such type of journey is termed as a open jaw journey instead of a round trip or circle trip.
Open jaw journeys are further classified into
a) Single open Jaw (SOJ) and b) Double open jaw
Single open Jaw – A single open Jaw journey has one surface secor and can be further classified into turnaround single open jaw and Origins single open jaw.
A turn around single open jaw is a type of journey in which the origin and return departure is from a different point or city. The above itinerary we discused is a example of same. Here the Departure from UK is from a different city but arrival to UAE is to Dubai itself.
Now suppose the departure to UK is from Dubai in UAE and return to Abu Dhabi in UAE from Manchester then such journey is Origin single open jaw. (DXB-X/LON-MAN-X/LON-AUH)
Both these types of journeys are single open jaw and one must not go deep into this classification as long as you understand the journey type is Single open jaw journey.
Double open Jaw Journey – A double open jaw journey occurs when a journey has two surface sectors or when journey commences from one point and ends in another point within the same country. This can be explained only via a example as below.
IAH-——-Origin in USA
DXB———Destination is Dubai
———Surface——- Road transport from Dubai to Abu Dhabi
AUH——Departure from Abu Dhabi
DFW——Return is to USA to a different city or poin
Example of Double open Jaw joruney-Starting in Houston USA and Ending in Dallas USA
In above example you will notice the Country of commencement of travel and termination of Travel is USA but both are to and from difference cities and there is a Surface sector involved as destination in UAE was Dubai but Return was from Abu Dhabi hence such type of journey is termed as Double open jaw. (this is not considred as oneway travel because there is surface sector involved 2 fare components will be used, Unlike oneway journeys which are unidirectional from one point to another.)
RTW (Round the World Journey) :- RTW stands for Round the World journey, When a journey commences from any point on globe and crosses atlantic and pacific ocean and ends at the same point or city it is termed as a round the world journey or the fare used for this type of journey is termed as round the world fare. A round the world fare is genrally offered by a alliance like star alliance round the fare. Since there is very less possiblity that one airline crosses both the oceans and covers all the countries. A round the world fares is offered by mutual agreement between several airlines.
For example : – A traveler wants to travel from Newyork (USA) to Johanesburg (south africa), Mumbai (India), Singapore, Vancouver (canada) and Back to Newyork. For this journey he will be using a star alliance fare.
TALearnings : RTW Journey- Journey commences in USA crosses atlantic ocean to South africa onwards to India and Singapore crosses Pacific ocean to Canada and end in USA. ( trip planning representation courtesy )
UA stands for United airlines, SA stands for South African Airways,SQ stands for Singapore airline, AC stands for Air Canada. All these airlines have one thing in common they all are part of star alliance hence a RTW fare is possible for this journey.
To test yourself on this topic kindly take the quiz at end of this post below.
Hope this clarifies your doubts on types of journeys and helps IATA students and Students of travel studies in understanding this important aspect of fare construction. We will soon comeback with more intresting articles. Please subscribe us for more intresting content and share our article and website.
Travel fascinates all and when you think of travel you always think of experiencing different places,cultures, traditions, etc. To pursue their fascination many aspring travel enthusiats want to join the travel industry. In this article we will discus what are different types of jobs that travel industry offers and how you can prepare for a job in travel industry. In This article will also cover the pre requisites that you require to puruse a sucessful carrer in travel industry.
Now before we jump to how to prepare for a job interview in the travel industry we need to understand some background and statistics on travel industry. The travel industry Prior to the pandemic accounted for 1 in 4 of all new jobs created across the world (directly or indirectly), 10.6% of all jobs (334 million), and 10.4% of global GDP (US$9.2 trillion). Meanwhile, international visitor spending amounted to US$1.7 trillion in 2019 (6.8% of total exports, 27.4% of global services exports, however after Covid 19 The Travel & Tourism sector suffered a loss of almost US$4.5 trillion to reach US$4.7 trillion in 2020, with the contribution to GDP dropping by a staggering 49.1% compared to 2019; relative to a 3.7% GDP decline of the global economy in 2020. In 2020, 62 million jobs were lost, representing a drop of 18.5%, leaving just 272 million employed across the sector globally, compared to 334 million in 2019.
Considering these numbers we can safely say there would be a surge in the number of vaccancies in the travel industry once the world starts going back to normal. Below we will discuss who are major employers in travel industry and what are they looking for.
Travel Industry
Airlines are one of the biggest employers in travel industry and all Airlines together have formed an industry in itself. There are various jobs available in Airline industry at various levels, There are High profile jobs in the airline like pilots of a commerical flight and also mid level jobs like ground staff and reservation staff. Jobs in Airline industry are a plenty and for every job there is a different skill set required. Major airline have their inhouse training accademies which helps them to devlop and train employees. But getting a job with an airline can be dificult if you dont posses the right skill set. Here are a few courses that you can pursue if you are looking for jobs in the travel industry.
Carrer as a pilot for a commerical airliner – Becoming a pilot is the pinnacle for any travel aspirant and its a dream for many others to. However becoming a pilot requires lot of knolwedge, dedication and most importantly funding. Piltot training can be expensive and requires lot of dedication both mental and physical. Pilots require excellent scientefic and mathematical knowledge in order to purse their training and job. Pilots enjoy a lot of perks apart from high salaries (in later stages) and repute of flying a aircarft. We wont be going too much into pilot as a carrer as there is a plethora of information on the net on this topic. If you wish to pursue your carrer as a pliot you can visist below flying school website.
Cabin Crew – Cabin crew is one of the most glamourous jobs you can pursuse, Becoming a cabin crew requires a high school diploma, a lot of enthusiasm and for you to be physically presentable, courteous and helpful to fellow passengers. Carrer as a cabin crew can be rewarding but has its own advantages and disadvantages, Advantages being getting paid to travel the world for free and working for a airline. Disadvantages being the working hours and continious on the go life. Flights do not operate 9 to 5 hence working as a pilot or cabin crew can be quite tedious at times especially when you have to do it on continous basis. Besides this many airlines prefer physically attractive pursers as cabin crew and are often required to maintain their weight and be presentable at all times. To know more about carrer as a cabin you can visist below websites which offer courses on cabin crew.
ATC – ATC or Airline traffic controler is one of the most imporant positions in the airline industry. Air line traffic controlers help navigate air traffic at a airport by providing signals and communicating with the pilot. Pursuing a carrer as a airline traffic controler can be rewarding but there are lot of responsibilties since you would be assisting the pilot by correctly informing the pilot about when to land a commerical airline. To know more about this carrer you can visist below website.
Reservations and ticketing agents are required by airline at the airline counters at airport and at back offices and call centers. Reservations and ticketing agents help travellers to confirm their tickets. All airlines have a strong reservations and ticketing team which assists direct customers and indirect customers like travel agents. The basic requirement for a reservations and ticketing agent is a high school diploma with a certificate in travel and knowlege of a CRS or GDS is advantageous, Airline reservations and tickets are made and stored on a CRS or computer reservation systems , there are various computer reservations systems like Galileo, Amadues, Sabre, Worldspan, Appolo, etc. Various airlines use different Reservations systems however the basic working and fundamentals of the airline reservations systems remain the same. If you see yourself apt for this role we suggest you to go through our free courses on GDS Galileo and Amadeus. This will assist you greatly in your learning process.
Ground staff are employed by airline for various purposes for functioning of the airlines, they can also be termed as customer service representatives interacting with travelers at the airport. The basic requirement for ground staff is a high school diploma with some understanding of travel industry would be advantageous customer service trainings would be provided by most airlines upon selection, we reccomend you to go through our small course on air travel which will assist you in understanding the basics of air travel.
Ground Staff Responsibilities:
Greeting and welcoming passengers, and responding to questions.
Checking in baggage.
Making reservations.
Selling airline tickets.
Stocking aircraft with refreshments.
Cleaning aircraft after flights.
Assisting disabled passengers and those with small children.
Providing information to passengers.
Various Airlines
Tour guides – Tour guides are people who help travelers to explore a city or a place in a city or a monumnet, Tour guides mostly work independently on their own and are paid by indiviuals or a company that employs them on contractual basis or on tour to tour basis. The qualification for this type of job varies greatly as some tour guides may be local tour guide specializing only a particular part of a city or a monument while some may be well travelled guides arranging tours for an entire reigon. Please note this role should not be confused with a tour manager which is entirely different role requiring different set of skills. Any person with some education and knowledge can become a tour guide who is well versed with the area or place of intrest. Please note nowadays tourism departments and governments globally license local people as tour guides which form a great source of income for them. Guiding travelers without a license is also a offence in some countries and strictly requires a licensed tour guide while travelling to a place.
Tour Managers – Tour Managers and Tour guide may sound synonomous however both these professions are completely different. Responsibility of a tour manager includes managing a group of people to a particular destination or a city or a country, a tour guide assists a tour manager in this purusit by guiding people on various monuments and places and sharing information and knowledge about local culture and places. Whereas responsibility of the tour manager is to ensure the tour runs smoothly without any issues and all people on the tour are taken care of.
Tour Manager
Below we have highlighted some responsiblites of tour manager.
Co-ordinating all travel arrangements with respect to flights, accommodation, meals & services, etc. as per the itinerary promised by your company
Deal with critical issues such as over-booking by airlines, lost baggage by airlines, stolen passports, stolen travel documents
Organising entry tickets to local sight-seeing attractions, and co-ordinating with service providers for local transport
Complete all billing & payment formalities at with all partner vendors such as Hotel Partners, Meal & Service Partners etc.
Respond to special requests such as details on buying local mobile phone SIM Card, impromptu arrangement of Cakes for Birthdays & Anniversary celebrations etc. made by the travelling group
Crisis management during unfortunate events such as Medical Emergencies, Accidents etc.
Take feedback from the travelling group and file a report with your company
Tour manages are mostly hired by tour companies like thomas cook, sotc,etc which offer group leisure tours for travelers. Nowadays many corporate groups arranging MICE travel also require tour managers for smooth functioning of a tour. For more information on this subject or if you wish to pursue your career in managing tours you can visit below websites, Below institues offer courses on tour managmenemt and help you with employment aswell.
Independent Travel Vlogers – Internet has changed the world dramatically and travel has also benifited massively by rise of internet, Mediums like youtube, Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms have generated a new form of carrer choice for avid travel aspirants “Travel Vlogging” . Travel vlogging is nothing but recording scenic videos of your travel and sharing your expreince with the world or social media. There is no exact educational qualification requirements for this role and most of the vloggers work independently as free lancers, however there are many media houses , Television boradcasters , tourism companies and tourism boards of various countries hiring vlogers to create scenic videos of a country or a region. The main responsibility of a vlogger is not just to create videos but to showcase their audience the cultural diversity and natural beauty of the region being explored. If you wish to purse a carrer in travel vlogging we suggest you take a short term course in how to shoot great videos, below are some of the institutes which offer courses in vlogging.
Travel agencies – Travel agencies are one of the primary sales venue for travel industry. Eventhough with the rise on online travel agencies majority of people still use a local travel agent for making their travel plans. Getting a job in a small local agencies does not require majore qualification, a high school diploma with knowledge of how to use a computer is sufficient to get a entry level job at a travel agency, having passion and knowledge about travel would be advantageous. One of the benefits of working with a small agency is you learn about all aspects of travel reservations be it airline reservations or visas or leisure travel. Unlike big travel companies and OTA’s small agencies have less departmentation and majority of the work has to be dealt by staff be it reservations or visas or accounting for that matter. If you do wish to start with your career in travel we reccomend you to go through our free courses on varrious topics which would get you accquatined with travel industry and would better prepare you for a job. Below are our reccomended courses that you should do.
Travel management companies – Travel management companies also known as TMC’s are big multinational travel agencies who handle or manage travel for multinantional companies. Working for a TMC requires a certain level of expertise and require atleast 1 year of experience or some sort of prior experience in travel industry. While working for a TMC you would be interacting with business travelers on daily basis who are well versed in travel themselves and require detail to attention as their travel is critical to business. Some of the major TMC’s today are American Express Global Travel, BCD, CWT (carlson wagonlit travel) , Expedia group, etc. A job a TMC ensures you a stable and rewarding carrer in travel industry. If you are already a established consultant or a newbie in travel industry who wants to learn a new gds you can start with one of our free courses.
OTA’s (Online Travel Agencies) – Online travel agencies or OTA’s are one of the fastest growing businesses in travel industry. Online travel agents primarily cater to the retail business of travel industry and of lately have started with business travel aswell. Getting a job in OTA requires a high school diploma with some knowledge of travel. Job at OTA’s are process oriented and trainings are provided for each department . The payscale at a OTA may be a bit less compared to working for a TMC but growth prospects are massive since they follow a structural method of progression and departmentation allows employees to progress quickly in a department. OTA’s segregate employees by various departments enabling efficiency, when you call a expedia or you may have realised they have a sperate person taking your call for chnages or a new reservation. If you want to pursue your carrer in a OTA like Expedia, or we reccomend you to horne your customer service skills and up your travel IQ to get you a job easily at one of the OTA’s. We reccomend you below courses if you are entry level in travel industry.
We hope this article has given you options on purusing your carrer in travel and helps you in choosing what suits you the best. Altough there are many other jobs in travel industry but we cannot include all of them in this article, Do leave a comment if you have any questions on suggestion related to travel or choosing a career in travel.
Lot of travelers worldwide face this situation where the airline misplaces or delays their cheked in bag. Although this situation may seem like a frequent occurence to many but statistically speaking lost or delayed baggage is a rare situation and as per records out of the total baggage handled by the airlines only 0.3 percent is lost or delayed by the airline. There are numerous factors due to which your baggage is delayed or lost by airlines but here are some major factors which causes this. In the below pie chart you will see various factors which causes delay or lost of baggage.
Causes of delayed lost baggage
In this post we wont be focusing on causes and factors of baggage delay but would rather be helping you out on how to track your baggage and what to do when you realise your baggage is lost by the airline.Do not panic and go to the counter
Steps to find your Lost/Delayed Baggage
Go to the airline counter or lost baggage counter at the airport – Once you notice that your baggage is not found the first step you need to take is to go to the airline counter or lost and found counter at the airport. Most of the airlines at a major airport would have a seperate counter for lost or delayed baggage if the airline does not have any dedicated representative then you can also contact the airport authorities.
2 ) Fill out the form – The lost baggage department at airport will ask you to fill out a form as as below, even in case if your baggage or any of the items in your baggage has been lost or misplaced you can fill out below form. The baggage handling representative will provide you a recceipt or a code for tracking your lost or delayed baggage.
Below is a proforma of a lost baggage claim form.
Proforma of Lost Baggage claim form
3 Always keep your tag no and boarding card – This is one of the common mistakes that many people would typically do is losing their baggage tag. A baggage tag is a sticker that an Airline counter staff at the airport would stick at back of your boarding card before you board the plane. This tag has a bar code and a alpha numeric code for sorting your baggage. If you have this tag number tracking your baggage becomes lot easier for airlines.
How to track – All airlines have a baggage tracking system through which you can know the status of your lost baggage. Some smaller airlines may not be associated with baggage tracking systems for such airlines you will have to contact them directly. Below are links to some major international airlines which offer baggage tracking services to its travellers . If any traveler has lost or delayed baggage on any of below airlines they can track the status of their lost or delayed baggage through below airline links. Please note to track the lost baggage it is essential to have the baggage tag number or lost baggage track locator or a complaint has to be filed with respective airline where they would provide you with a tracking locator.
Airlines deliver if lost baggage is found and reimburse
All airlines as per IATA regulations have to deliver your lost baggage at the address provided while filling out the form at airport, Airlines are responsible reimburse in the event they are not able to track your lost baggage. The lost baggage policy varries from airlines to airline. But as per the Montreal Convention for the carriage of baggage. The maximum baggage liability for flights covered by the Montreal Convention is currently 1,288 Special Drawing Rights (approximately $1,780.00 US). This is the most that airlines must pay a passenger for a lost, damaged, or delayed bag. Airlines are free to pay more than the limit, but are not required to do so.
In case you require more assistance or knowledge on this subject matter you can refer to below link.
We hope that you have found this post helpful, do share this post with maximum people possible and do refer our website for your dose of travel knowledge.
What is this topic and why is this topic relevant, Well if you are working in travel industry or do interstate travel in the United states then this topic will be useful for you.
State abbreviations are two letter codes that you must have noticed next to name of the city. This codes play an important role since they help in informing you which state does this city or town belong to. For example did you know there are number of cities or towns by the name of springfield, the most famous being the one is Simpsons that nobody knows where ,According to the U.S. Geological Survey there are currently 34 populated places named Springfield in 25 U.S. states, so how do you know which springfield do you want to visit. The easier way to determine this is by looking at the state abbreviation next to the city. Below is the list of all state abbreviations in the USA.
State Name/District
Postal Code
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Now for example you want to travel to Springfield , IL (Illinois) then you will notice a IL will be displayed next to Springfield, similary if you want to travel to Springfield Missouri then a MO will be seen next to the city name (Springfiled,MO). Knowing a state abbreviation will avoid you the trouble of booking a wrong flight to wrong city or a town.
This abbreviations are not only limited to the USA, other countries like Canada,Australia,Brazil also use similar coding system for states or provinces within these countries.
If you want to learn more about the states in USA or if you think you know your States you can take our small quiz to identify states in the USA on a map.
For past 2 years travel industry has suffered enormeously due to Covid 19 pandemic and there have been a lot of new regulations that have been bough about. As global travel reopenes here are a few tips and websites which will help you understand and navigate through various regulations.
***Kindly note above video is only for information purposes kindly contact a travel professional or travel service providers for latest information***
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Baggage allowance is the amount of baggage a traveller is allowed for his travel by an airline. Baggage allowance is measured in weight and all airlines have a policy with regards to the maximum weight of baggage that is permissible. Baggage is Classified in two categories Cabin baggage and Check-in baggage. An airline permits only up to a certain amount of weight that can be carried for your travel and this varies depending on the destination that you are travelling to the airline policy, etc. If a traveller exceeds the weight allowance then the traveller is liable to pay excess baggage allowance to the airline. In this article, we will discuss types of Baggage allowances and how baggage allowance is calculated.
Cabin Baggage/Carry on baggage/Hand Baggage:- Carry on baggage or cabin baggage is the baggage which a passenger is allowed to carry on the aircraft or cabin which can be stored in the overhead bin. All major airlines allow cabin baggage free of charge, however, there are certain rules that need to be followed. A cabin bag should not weigh more than 7kgs in weight and should be as per specified dimension by the airline. For eg:- Emirates allows 1 cabin bag weighing up to 7kgs of weight however it should be as per the following dimension 55 x 38 x 20 (length+width+height). Some airlines also allow you to carry a personal item on board apart from this allowance like a laptop or a small bag, however, this is complete as per airline regulations. Hence before your flight, you can always check for baggage rules on the airline website. Besides these regulations Cabin baggage has also a restriction on carrying Liquids, gels or flammable objects. Essential things like medicine may require a prescription and policies vary from airline to airline.
Checked Baggage/Tagged Baggage:-
Checked baggage is baggage allowance which is checked in and is stored in the luggage compartment of the aircraft. Checked baggage is of two types depending on which type of baggage policy the airline adopts.
1.Piece concept: –A piece concept allows a traveller to carry a piece of luggage as per specified dimensions, weight and size. As per this concept, a piece can be defined as a bag which weighs not more than 23kgs or 50 pounds and should be not more than 62 inches or 158 centimetres in dimension(length+width+height) . (**However please note the dimensions and weight mentioned may vary from airline to airline. ).Some airlines offer one piece of luggage while others offer 2 pieces however it is important to check for specified dimensions as well. A traveller has to abide by these regulations else the airline will consider it as excess baggage. In an event when the bags are over the permissible weight limit or do not meet the set parameters in such a case the passenger is liable to pay an excess baggage fee. Some of the major airlines today allow purchasing excess baggage online. If a traveller is aware about baggage policy but has excess baggage and wants to carry the same he can choose to purchase excess luggage allowance online or at the airport, however, pre-paying for baggage online costs less. Currently, all airlines do not have this facility but major airlines do allow to purchase excess baggage allowance.
(Tip:- If you have not purchased a ticket and want to know baggage allowance or get some information regarding seating about an airline you can visit this website provides valuable information with regards to baggage allowance, types of aircraft the airline operates, seat maps and a general review of the airline)
Baggage allowance as per piece concept- Basic fare with only cabin baggage allowance. Classic fare with 1pc of baggage allowance, Plus fare with 2 pieces and Business class fare with 32kgs per piece.
2.Weight concept: – This type of baggage policy has no restrictions on dimensions but has a restriction on weight. As per this policy, a traveller is allowed to carry a bag weighing a certain amount as per baggage policy as checked baggage. If the weight of the bag exceeds the specified limit the traveller is liable to pay for excess baggage. Most airlines allow two bags however a single bag should not exceed 32kgs
Above is Emirates airlines baggage policy, Emirates uses Weight concept for travel to Rest of the world except the Americas and Africa.
In case when the bag weighs more than the allowance excess baggage fees apply. As per IATA regulation excess baggage is calculated as 1.5 per cent of the full fare economy fare for each kg of excess baggage. The airline will charge for a minimum of 6kgs of excess baggage. What this means is even though passenger has 3kgs or 6kgs of excess baggage he will be charged for 6kgs as per rule.
Below we shall explain the calculation in brief.
Baggage allowance for BOM-SIN is 20 kgs however it is found that the passenger has 3 kgs of excess baggage. The Calculation as per IATA regulation will be as per below.
Y class fare for same flight is $500.
Hence $500 x 1.5% = $ 7.5
That is $ 7.5 for each kg of excess baggage.
However the minimum excess baggage allowed is for 6kg.
Hence $7.5 x 6= $ 45 even though there is only 3kgs of excess baggage.
In case it is found that the excess baggage is 9kgs it would be $ 7.5 x 9 = $ 67.50.
Above calculation applies only for international flights as per IATA regulation. However, all airlines do not follow the same method, Budget airlines charge excess baggage allowance as per their policies which are some times cheaper than IATA policies.
(TIP: – Always weigh your bag before you travel, in case weights of bag exceed the maximum baggage allowance it’s better to purchase excess baggage online before your flight which is comparatively cheaper and saves more than 50percent of your cost than paying for excess baggage at the airport.)
We hope this clears your concept on airline baggage allowance. If you have any questions are suggestions or question you can leave a comment below and we shall reply you at our earliest. If you like our article do subscribe and like us on Facebook.