Coronavirus disease is an infectious disease which is caused by an unknown virus. This disease causes respiratory illness which results in death in severe conditions. This disease is a highly infectious disease and has hit the travel industry very severely. The world economy has been affected adversely due to COVID-19 and a global effort has been initiated by the World health organization and all nations to combat the spread of this disease. Through this article, we will make you aware of symptoms of COVID-19 and what are precautionary measures we can take to protect ourselves and travel updates that are affecting our global travel community due to this outbreak.
Background – COVID-19 is an unknown virus that is causing a respiratory illness like Flu which is primarily affecting our lungs causing major respiratory disorders resulting in death of the affected person. This disease is fatal for people with weaker immunity like Senior citizens or people who have pre-diagnosed medical conditions like asthma or heart disease. Common symptoms are cough, fever, tiredness, difficulty breathing (severe cases). So far there has been no cure found and it seems to have originated from mainland china (Wuhan).
Prevention – Since there are no vaccines to combat this disease as yet the best possible option is prevention.
1)HANDSWash them often – As its believed its an infectious disease which spreads when contacted with an infected person, the first primary step that needs to be taken is to stay clean and wash hands regularly to avoid contamination.
2)ELBOW Cough into it – While coughing make sure you cover your face or cough into the elbow to avoid further spread of the virus.
3)FACE Don’t touch it – Do not touch the face or cover it with a mask the virus is not airborne but in case you have been in contact with an infected person there is a high possibility you may touch your face which will cause you to be infected.
4)SPACE Keep a safe distance – Try and maintain safe distances at public places and your workplace to avoid contact.
5)HOME Stay if you can – Currently, this is the best option to avoid all above 4. Try to avoid crowded places and opt for work from home if the same is possible.
Currently, there are no treatments to COVID-19 and prevention seems to be the best cure.
Below are certain links that will help you to keep track of the number of infected and how to take precautions to travel to certain countries or to avoid travel if possible.
Below link will provide you with accurate updated data on the number of affected for a particular country or state or city,
It is recommended to avoid travel however individuals who have to travel should visit below website for travel advisories and travel bans. This link has updated information and is the official link of IATA and world health organization.
Besides relying on the above link it is essential to contact airlines or your travel agent for advice. The best option would be not to travel however if essential do contact your embassy or consulate if you are out of your country.
During this Global pandemic, we encourage all to exercise precautions and stay safe and healthy. And lastly, we need global support along with prayers. Below is the link from the World health organization, those who wish to contribute click on the below link or visit WHO website.
We hope that we all will be vigilant in this testing hour and this shall also pass.